Πέμπτη 19 Ιανουαρίου 2012

Spoiler: Για τον Tyler

To EW μας δινει καποια spoilers για της επομενες κινησεις του Tyler...

Although they’ve spent their formative years dealing with death, destruction, and an annoying little critter by the name of Jeremy Gilbert, the Mystic Falls gang has always remained a close-knit bunch. That is, until Tyler Lockwood (Michael Trevino) gave fan-favorite Caroline Forbes a little love-bite that may or may not isolate the hybrid hunk from his friends for good.

“He’s got to make it right,” Trevino told EW at a special Q&A Wednesday morning. “I think he’s going to do anything and everything to make it better. Everything is for Caroline right now. He told her he loved her, and then he goes and almost kills her right after. You’re in the doghouse after that. He’s got to work hard at it.” SPOILERS AHEAD
Tomorrow night’s episode, The Ties That Bind, will find Tyler going to a very unlikely source to win back Caroline — her vampire-hating father, Bill Forbes (Jack Coleman). “He obviously figures that Bill was able to resist compulsion, and maybe he can help Tyler in some way with [breaking] the sire-bond to Klaus,” Trevino said. “Klaus says [in last week's episode], ‘I need you to bite Caroline,’ and that’s where [Tyler] is drawing the line. Before it was all fun; he felt like he was the chosen one — the first successful hybrid. Now, he just sees that all this new power is just being used for evil things. If Klaus wants you to do something, whether or not you think you’re going to do it, you’re going to end up doing it.”
Fans may remember Bill as the Caroline-torturing vamp-a-phobe with a vast array of Jack Bauer techniques up his sleeve, but Trevino insisted that the new and improved Bill is in it for the right reasons. “In Bill’s eyes, it’s like, ‘Okay, you have a serious problem. I know how serious your problem is. You’re trying to date my daughter, when you almost killed her.’ So, he’s got some issues he wants to address to Tyler. It’s almost an ultimatum: If you want to date my daughter, you’re going to have to break this sire bond.”
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Unfortunately, breaking that iron-clad bond will take some time — and a lot of pain. “[Tomorrow] we find out just how deep the sire-bond is, and how serious it is, and what Tyler has to do, if it’s even possible, to break it,” Trevino teased. “At this point, I don’t think he knows how deep in this is. There will be blood.”
Blood, and the possibility of even more heartbreak. Last week, fans were stunned when Caroline shared a tender birthday moment with the show’s ultimate bad-boy, Klaus. “I remember reading it, I was like, ‘Okay, they’re going to have this little romance with these two,’” Trevino joked. “I didn’t think much of it. I’m like, ‘Okay, I don’t think that will last.’ But then I watched the episode, and they put music in, and Joseph [Morgan, who plays Klaus] was getting all emotional. I’m like, ‘Aw, man.’ I hope it doesn’t last. I highly doubt that there is going to be another love triangle, and it will be Klaus, Tyler and Caroline.”
In fact, Tyler may have a chance to win back Miss Mystic Falls before the night is through. “Like any relationship, if you do something wrong, you’re going to go to apologize immediately,” Trevino said. “Say your boyfriend does you wrong, and then your boyfriend goes to your father and brings him into it — I think that’s pretty serious. [It's] a pretty big apology. That’s trying. She’s a little receptive to it.”
Still, Trevino made it clear that even if he does break free of his curse and win his Caroline back, it won’t be all sunshine and roses with Klaus. He said his character would eventually try to seek vengeance, “But at this point, it’s just about: How do I break this [sire-bond]? How do I have my free will? How can I stop doing whatever Klaus tells me? Is it even possible? We don’t know for sure. It’s not the easiest process, but Tyler’s going to try.”
So many things will be changing for Mystic Falls’ number two hybrid, but Trevino assured EW that one essential thing would always remain the same: “Tyler is shirtless [tomorrow night], believe it or not,” he laughed. “Tyler is shirtless.”

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